Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (ABDI DAYA KU) is dedicated to ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of all published content. Our archiving policy guarantees that articles published in the journal remain available to the academic community and the public over time.

1. Digital Archiving:

  • All articles published in ABDI DAYA KU are stored in multiple digital archives to ensure their long-term preservation. These archives provide a permanent record of the journal's content, safeguarding against data loss or technological obsolescence.

2. Institutional Repositories:

  • Authors are encouraged to deposit their published articles in their institutional repositories. This practice enhances the visibility and accessibility of the research while ensuring compliance with institutional and funding body mandates.


  • ABDI DAYA KU participates in the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) programs. These systems create decentralized and distributed preservation copies of the journal, ensuring that the content is preserved even in the event of catastrophic loss at any single location.

4. National Library Archiving:

  • The journal’s content is also archived with national libraries and relevant academic institutions to further enhance preservation efforts and comply with national regulations regarding the deposit of scholarly work.

5. Backup and Redundancy:

  • The journal maintains regular backups of all digital content. Multiple copies of the data are stored in different locations to prevent loss due to hardware failure or other unforeseen circumstances.

6. Metadata and Indexing:

  • All articles are indexed and cataloged with detailed metadata, facilitating easy discovery and retrieval through various indexing services and academic databases. This ensures that the content is searchable and accessible to researchers and scholars worldwide.

7. Continuous Access:

  • ABDI DAYA KU is committed to providing uninterrupted access to its content. In the unlikely event that the journal ceases publication, arrangements will be made to ensure that the entire archive remains accessible through the journal's website or through alternative access mechanisms provided by the digital archives.

By implementing these robust archiving practices, ABDI DAYA KU ensures that its published research remains accessible and preserved for future generations. Our commitment to archiving reflects our dedication to the longevity and impact of the scholarly work we publish.