Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (ABDI DAYA KU) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and publication ethics. Plagiarism in any form is not tolerated. Our plagiarism policy outlines the measures we take to prevent and address plagiarism in the manuscripts submitted to our journal.

Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the unethical practice of using someone else's work, ideas, or words without proper acknowledgment. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Direct copying of text from other sources without proper citation.
  • Paraphrasing substantial parts of another's work without credit.
  • Self-plagiarism, or the reuse of one's own previously published work without disclosure and proper citation.

Detection of Plagiarism:

  • Initial Screening: All manuscripts submitted to ABDI DAYA KU undergo an initial screening for plagiarism using reputable plagiarism detection software.
  • Peer Review Process: Reviewers are also encouraged to identify any instances of plagiarism during the peer review process and report them to the editor.

Handling Plagiarism:

  • Minor Plagiarism: If minor plagiarism is detected (e.g., small sentences or phrases copied without citation), the authors will be asked to revise their manuscript and provide proper citations.
  • Major Plagiarism: If significant plagiarism is detected (e.g., large portions of text copied, multiple instances of plagiarism), the manuscript will be rejected immediately, and the authors may be barred from submitting future manuscripts to ABDI DAYA KU.

Actions Taken in Case of Plagiarism:

  1. Notification: The corresponding author will be notified of the detected plagiarism with details of the sections involved.
  2. Clarification: Authors will be asked to provide a clarification and explanation regarding the detected plagiarism.
  3. Revisions: Authors will be required to revise the manuscript to address the plagiarism, ensuring proper citations and references.
  4. Rejection: If the authors fail to provide a satisfactory explanation or make the necessary revisions, the manuscript will be rejected.


  • If plagiarism is discovered after publication, the article will be retracted. A retraction notice will be published, and the authors' institutions may be notified.

Author Responsibilities:

  • Authors must ensure that their work is original and properly cited. They should conduct a thorough review of the literature and give appropriate credit to prior work.
  • Authors should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently.

Editorial Responsibilities:

  • Editors are responsible for overseeing the review process and ensuring that all manuscripts adhere to the journal’s plagiarism policy.
  • Editors will handle any plagiarism allegations with fairness and confidentiality, following the journal’s established procedures.

By adhering to this plagiarism policy, ABDI DAYA KU upholds the integrity of the academic record and fosters a culture of honesty and transparency in research.