Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (ABDI DAYA KU) is dedicated to the dissemination of high-quality research and practical experiences in the field of community service and empowerment. The journal welcomes contributions from academics, practitioners, and community leaders that address a wide range of issues related to community development and social innovation.


1. Community Development and Empowerment:

  • Strategies for community development and empowerment
  • Participatory approaches and community involvement
  • Capacity building and leadership development
  • Grassroots initiatives and local governance

2. Social Innovation and Community Engagement:

  • Innovative practices in community service
  • Models of social entrepreneurship and social enterprises
  • Collaborative partnerships between academia, government, and community organizations
  • Volunteerism and civic engagement

3. Education and Training for Community Capacity Building:

  • Educational programs and training initiatives for community development
  • Lifelong learning and adult education
  • Skill development and vocational training
  • Educational technology and e-learning in community settings

4. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Communities:

  • Community health initiatives and programs
  • Health education and awareness campaigns
  • Public health interventions and preventive measures
  • Mental health and well-being in community contexts

5. Environmental Sustainability and Community Resilience:

  • Sustainable development practices and green initiatives
  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation at the community level
  • Disaster risk reduction and community resilience
  • Conservation and management of natural resources

6. Economic Empowerment and Microfinance Initiatives:

  • Economic development and poverty alleviation strategies
  • Microfinance and small business support
  • Social inclusion and economic equity
  • Cooperative movements and community-based enterprises

7. Cultural Preservation and Community Heritage:

  • Preservation of cultural heritage and traditional knowledge
  • Promotion of arts and cultural activities
  • Intergenerational transmission of cultural values
  • Community identity and social cohesion

8. Policy and Governance in Community Development:

  • Public policies and their impact on community development
  • Governance models and participatory decision-making
  • Policy advocacy and community mobilization
  • Legal frameworks and community rights

9. Technology and Digital Solutions for Community Services:

  • Use of technology in enhancing community services
  • Digital inclusion and bridging the digital divide
  • ICT for development and smart community initiatives
  • Technological innovations for social good

10. Case Studies and Best Practices in Community Projects:

  • Documented case studies of successful community projects
  • Best practices and lessons learned
  • Evaluation and impact assessment of community interventions
  • Replication and scalability of community initiatives

ABDI DAYA KU aims to foster a deeper understanding of community service and empowerment by publishing research that provides practical insights, theoretical contributions, and policy recommendations. We encourage interdisciplinary approaches and welcome submissions that highlight collaborative efforts to address community challenges.